Announcement: Livegrade Pro and Studio Officially Rewarded With the ACES Logo

Livegrade Pro and Studio Officially Rewarded With the Aces Logo

Since the introduction of the color management standard „ACES“ by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), we’ve supported the Academy’s effort to establish an industry standard for color management by implementing features for ACES-compliant workflows in Pomfort software applications.

We are thrilled to announce that our long-standing commitment has been rewarded by the Academy: After an in-depth review, both Pomfort Livegrade Pro and Studio have met all required qualification criteria and therefore earned the ACES logo designation. On top, we’re incredibly excited to see Livegrade Pro and Studio being among the first applications to fully support ACES Metadata File (AMF) and Common LUT Format (CLF) workflows in software products. Using ACES logoed products assures filmmaking professionals that their work leads to a convincing ACES experience when part of a properly configured ACES color-managed workflow.

ACES is an open-source standard to maintain color fidelity at the highest level throughout all stages of film production. Pomfort products offer ACES-compliant technology for camera monitoring, live grading, playback and QC of original camera files (OCF), dailies color correction, and transcoding. In addition, the latest integration of the ACES Metadata File (AMF) format and the Common LUT Format (CLF) enables the exchange of exact color pipeline information to recreate looks on other systems.

Our product development has always focused on industry best practices and interoperability to benefit everyone involved. Therefore we’re looking forward to keeping on evolving alongside the ACES standard, empowering professional filmmakers to realize their creative intent successfully! 

For further information about the ACES Logo Program and all participating products, visit: