Pomfort In the Press

Pomfort Reeltime Pro Logo
Newsshooter (12/2023)

Pomfort Reeltime Pro

Article by Matthew Allard ACS

Pomfort’s new video playback application Reeltime Pro is now available to download as a free beta trial. Reeltime Pro is a software application for professional on-set video playback in film productions.

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disguise and Pomfort team up to support on-set color grading for virtual production Logo
TM Broadcast International (12/2022)

disguise and Pomfort team up to support on-set color grading for virtual production

Article by TM Broadcast International

disguise has recently announced a partnership with Pomfort. The objective has been to reduce technical barriers between Livegrade Studio’s established on-set colour grading workflow and the disguise virtual production workflow.

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Pomfort ShotHub Update Logo
Newsshooter (06/2022)

Pomfort ShotHub Update

Article by Matthew Allard ACS

Pomfort has released a major update for ShotHub that includes a new Team Plan, that enables facilities to host data management projects themselves while letting DITs automatically import on-set information.

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Pomfort Livegrade Studio integrates with FilmLight’s BLG colour workflow Logo
British Cinematographer (11/2021)

Pomfort Livegrade Studio integrates with FilmLight’s BLG colour workflow

Article by British Cinematographer

Pomfort and FilmLight, both renowned developers of industry leading film production technologies, jointly announced a close collaboration with significant impact on professional colour workflows: Pomfort’s on-set digital imaging software Livegrade Studio now seamlessly integrates with the FilmLight ecosystem, bringing together look-related production processes on set and in post-production.

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Pomfort ShotHub – Bringing Silverstack & Livegrade into the Cloud Logo
CineD (10/2020)

Pomfort ShotHub – Bringing Silverstack & Livegrade into the Cloud

Article by Olaf von Voss

Even the most streamlined film production tends to produce quite a lot of organizational overhead. To manage this workload, the Munich-based company Pomfort offers a whole range of software tools that simplify asset management, on-set grading and much more. Now their latest addition, Pomfort ShotHub, is here to put it all under one roof: the cloud.

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Quickly Deliver Your Data to Post with ShotHub Logo
No Film School (10/2020)

Quickly Deliver Your Data to Post with ShotHub

Article by Charles Haine

Pomfort is one of the leading providers of on-set color management software, and they are making the link to the post suite faster and easier with the cloud-based ShotHub.

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Pomfort Is Making Your Shoots Easier With New LiveGrade Studio Logo
No Film School (10/2019)

Pomfort Is Making Your Shoots Easier With New LiveGrade Studio

Article by Charles Haine

As narrative production starts to have more and more cameras, Pomfort LiveGrade Studio has been released to make it easier for the DIT to manage signal flow.

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Pomfort Livegrade Studio: ein neues mächtiges Tool für Multi-Kamera Produktionen Logo
slashCam (08/2019)

Pomfort Livegrade Studio: ein neues mächtiges Tool für Multi-Kamera Produktionen

Article by Thomas Richter

Speziell für Multi-Kamera Produktionen hat Pomfort heute Livegrade Studio (macOS) veröffentlicht. Livegrade Studio ist ein neues Tool, das eine einfache und intuitive Handhabung von Live-Kamerasignalen in Multi-Kamera-Setups ermöglichen soll. Es kann mehrere Livestreams überwacht, aufnehmen, angepasst und geswitcht werden.

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Pomfort Livegrade Studio – Multi Camera Productions Made Easier Logo
CineD (08/2019)

Pomfort Livegrade Studio – Multi Camera Productions Made Easier

Article by Jakub Han

Pomfort Livegrade Studio is a new software aimed at multi-camera productions. It helps with monitoring, matching, recording, and switching live feeds and it offers a variety of powerful grading tools.

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Pomfort Silverstack Offload Manager 1.1 – Now With Parallel Transfers Logo
CineD (05/2019)

Pomfort Silverstack Offload Manager 1.1 – Now With Parallel Transfers

Article by Olaf von Voss

Back in 2018, Pomfort released their standalone offloading tool Sliverstack Offload Manager. Now version 1.1 is ready and it comes with a small, yet powerful feature: Offload footage from multiple sources in parallel, increasing your workflow significantly while maintaining the rock-solid checksum verification, of course.

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Pomfort GmbH
Kapuzinerstraße 9
80337 München

Phone +49 (89) 3303 5710
Fax +49 (89) 3303 5712

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