The Importance of Metadata in Post-Production Roles  21 min read

The Importance of Metadata in Post-Production Roles 

Camera metadata doesn’t play a huge role on set, so why is it important? The answer to that question lies deep within post-production workflows. In this interview, Digital Cinematography expert David Stump shares insights into the importance of metadata through his own experiences in various post-production roles.

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Pomfort Basics

Timecode in Digital Cinematography – An Overview 9 min read

Timecode in Digital Cinematography – An Overview

Digital film cameras automatically generate timecode upon recording. In this article, we discuss how timecode is used for some tasks like syncing audio and offline editing and conforming, as well as its limitations as a way to uniquely identify individual frames shot during a film production.

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Looks, LMTs, and 3D LUT Transforms 9 min read

Looks, LMTs, and 3D LUT Transforms

In this article, we consider the concept of individual LMT and 3D LUT transforms. Typically subject to overlapping roles, ACES, and different camera vendors propose to better define each role more distinctly through individual transforms.

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How to Succeed With Virtual Production 26 min read

How to Succeed With Virtual Production

In this article, Peter Canning shares his expert insights into the current state of virtual production, different workflows, its advantages and challenges from a DPs point of view, and how to get engaged successfully! Also, learn how the DIT and Livegrade Studio are integral to thriving with virtual production in Peter’s eyes.

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Pomfort Basics

Managing Data (Part Two): Completeness of Data with Manifest Files 13 min read

Managing Data (Part Two): Completeness of Data with Manifest Files

As part of a two-part blog series, this article continues our exploration of the concept of data management. While the first article looked at how to maintain the integrity of single files by calculating and comparing hash values, we now move on to discuss the aspect of completeness, including manifest files. 

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